Ivy, climbing plant

Technical information

The amount of genus that appears within this family (approximately 70) is distributed in 700 different species, grouping them in trees, shrubs, wood lianas and herbaceous. Most are tropical and subtropical, only some appear in temperate regions. Some are used in ornamentation and other medicinal plants, such as the famous ginseng plant.

In the case of Euskal Herria, within this family we are presented with a single genus and within this genus, the only species, the climbing plant under study and the very common ivy.

Ivy has numerous strange wooden roots that can exceed 30 m.

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Its leaves are simple, quite coriaceous and lusty, persistent and dark green above. In general, and especially those of length of the taps, they are usually of two types: a) of branches with flowers, elliptics and b) others, palmatilobed, with 3-5 lobes. The flowers are hermaphroditic, green-horiscas and are placed on the moons of the hair. Blooms in late summer or early autumn. The fruits ripen in late winter or early spring, much appreciated for birds.

As for the distribution, in almost the entire Basque Country it is abundant and current, only missing in very arid and poor areas (also in the summits of the mountains). We can find it lying on the trees of the woods, on the walls, on the rocks and sometimes on the ground. Its wet and shady places are visible and reach a height of 1400 meters above sea level. It is also distributed in Europe, Asia and North Africa.

Ivy is used in ornamentation, especially for covering walls and slopes. The most commonly used varieties are the different and some subspecies (large leaf, marbled yellow and white and bright).

It is used as a medicinal plant and among its components is mentioned a saponin (especially hederasaponin C), among other glycosides, organic acids and minerals. It is used to treat colds, bronchitis, cough and asthma. Also to shake wounds of certain diseases, heal burns and calluses and soothe neuralgia (toothache).

Family: Araliaceae Species: Distribution: normal Habitat: mostly on walls and trees Medicinal grass: yes

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila