Bone glue

The main components of the new mass or glue that is being used to form bone fractures are calcium and phosphate, the main components of the bones.

Calcium and phosphate. Despite its simplicity, the possibility has been extended that the mixture of both elements allows us to forget most of the headaches and existing bone fractures. In fact, the main components of the new mass or glue that is being used to form bone fractures are calcium and phosphate, the main components of the bones.

If the use of the paste is normalized, the plaster or the long interventions that will allow to complete the bone the same day will be finished.

This new substance is like a toothpaste. It is injected into the broken bone and in three minutes it is already dry and the bone is stuck. It only takes 12 hours to fully match the bone, i.e. to dry completely.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila