Worms medicines medicine Worms medicine

Worms medicines medicine Worms medicine
01/06/2007 | Elhuyar
(Photo: USDA)

Not to create a new revolutionary medicine, a team of researchers from Manchester will receive money to investigate the effectiveness of a worm. As they have seen, this worm is able to combat Staphylococcus aureus (worms have been used in medicine before now).

The bacterium S. aureus is very resistant to antibiotics, so it is difficult to heal the wounds infected by it. It is responsible, among other things, for the foot ulcers suffered by patients with diabetes. A study by this group of researchers found that after 3 to 5 applications of worms, 12 out of 13 diseases suffered a scarring.

Now, in view of the effectiveness of males, the money they will receive will allow to compare different treatments. In addition, they want to know how the worm faces the bacterium: if it secretes some antibacterial chemical or simply ingests the bacteria.

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