Greater genome, longer life

The genome of animals of the same size is often very different. The difference lies in the greater or lesser presence of DNA without information and in the lack of relationship with the complexity of the animal.

The differences were unknown to biologists why and why, but it seems that a group of researchers from the University of Glasgow has found an explanation. The relationship between the size of the genome and the life of the bird has been studied in 67 bird species from 28 families and it has been observed that those with the largest genome have more lengths.

Depending on the size of the genome, 500 g birds will have a life of 7.2 to 19.4 years. Researchers have not yet been able to fully explain what was observed. They suggest that below a limit a smaller genome may influence the body's functions, but there are many questions to answer. And the same thing happens with the trees.

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