Gamma ray explosions and supernovae

Two hypotheses are proposed to explain gamma ray explosions. Now, an astronomer from MIT has received data in favor of one of them, which takes as origin of the rays the supernovae.

Some astronomers believe that gamma ray bursts are caused by black holes, but not all black holes, but only those that create a supernova. Others consider that the process is inverse, that is, as a consequence of the supernova an unstable neutron star is formed and that by implosion the black hole is formed and the explosion of gamma rays occurs. So what is the first supernova or the black hole?

The MIT astronomer has used Chandra's x-ray observatory to analyze one of these explosions. Through it, it has found remains of sulphur and excited silicon in the black hole, which are the typical "remains" of supernovae, so it has concluded that first occurs the supernova. Not all astronomers agree on the interpretation of the data and the debate arises. However, these gigantic explosions, which were once totally unknown, are becoming increasingly popular.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila