Antienfermedades cells

In the laboratory a technique has been found to create a large number of T cells antienfermedades from stem cells of the embryos of mice.

For this purpose, the molecule called DL1 was identified, necessary for the formation of T cells, and genetically formed cells for their formation. DL1 excited stem cells to form immature immune cells and, after inserting them into the mouse without immune system, they developed mature T cells. The new cells helped animals fight a weak viral disease.

This discovery may in the future be an improvement in cancer and HIV treatments. In theory, in addition, this system will be applicable to any patient, as it does not generate rejection, and researchers believe that they will be able to use it with patients who have lost cells.

However, before getting it, they will have problems to solve. In humans, the ideal would be to take the cells to the small organ called thymus, which is the one that usually produces T cells, but they still do not know how to do it.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila