Film and scanner

In Virtuosity, when you see in a skyscraper the fight between Denzel Washington and the enemy, don't think the protagonists or substitutes really act, the scene has been built on the computer. Hollywood, through its laser scanning system, has produced electronic substitutes for the five main actors in the film.

Electronic reproduction consists of five hundred and twelve fragments containing four hundred and fifty points of information. Immense but profitable work.

For this, the laser beam of one hundred microwatts took seventeen seconds in D. Washington, protagonist, to scan. A first camera explored the actor's profile and the second, the texture of his skin and the details of the color of his eyes. Electronic reproduction consists of five hundred and twelve fragments containing four hundred and fifty points of information. Immense but profitable work.

This system has not been limited to cinema, since it has applied the same technique in other areas such as medicine and aerospace.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila