Fax on PC

If you have a PC it is easy to send documents or information to any part of the world and, of course, receive it.

It takes just a few seconds and simply place the JTFAX board on the computer to access this option.

On the other hand, it is quite cheaper than the other factual systems, 100,000 ptas. can serve as a zone.

JT124s allow the transmission of documents from the disk or scanner, as well as outputs generated by processing texts, spreadsheets or any other application.

It is very useful, since the program itself will indicate, through menus with windows, what to do at every moment to mark, send and receive documents.

JTFAX has two versions: an internal board that connects to the PC bus and the other the external system that connects to the serial output of the computer. The latter is suitable for PS/2 and laptops.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila