European agricultural policy harms the environment

The World Nature Foundation has denounced the agrarian policy of the European Economic Community. According to a report, the policy in question does not respect the environment, so it recommends that the EVD carry out an agrarian policy that takes into account the environment.

According to the IMF, EVD subsidies for poor farmers who cultivate environmentally concerned land should increase between 25% and 80%.

European land has been working intensively for so long that it is very difficult to talk about “natural habitat”. In countries like West Germany, 581 plant species are in danger of extinction. Of them 173 are about to be lost by land drainage, 89 by herbicides and 56 fertilizers. Although here we have only set out the example of a state, the problems have appeared in countries across Europe. Deforestation has increased in all states.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila