Stress hormone

Although so far considered a conviction, researchers at the Bethesda Hospital in the US have claimed that there is a direct relationship between physical illness and stress. Specifically, the team of researchers at the Hospital has concluded that stress situations cause indiscriminate release of the hypothalamus hormone CHR, establishing the link between certain physical and psychological diseases. What was a working hypothesis, therefore, has been confirmed: stress is the origin of many diseases.

According to the researchers, in stressful situations the hypothalamus releases the CHR hormone and modifies the basic activities of the immune system. This allows to prescribe a series of unusual impulses, such as cell proliferation. This explanation could be an explanation of the origin of cancer, but researchers say that much is needed to make this conclusion good. However, these researches have clarified where the next steps should be taken and we could almost certainly say that CHR hormone will be challenging for the next few years.

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