Tissue expansion

In 1957 the American surgeon Neumann placed a handball of silicone under the surface of the person. The ball swelled outwardly with a tube, and after a few weeks of swelling, it got a sufficient surface to cure the damaged ear. If the skin is pulled, it eventually lengthens.

Experts call this phenomenon "the expansion of tissues", but in primitive peoples have been exploited for centuries of this phenomenon. In Africa, for example, in some tribes the lower lip grows spectacularly with increasingly large pieces. At some women the neck is disfigured with brass rings. In our own civilization, we have known cases in which the mantle of ears has spread with too much toe.

However, Neumann's technique was discarded in the mid-1960s, until recently the American doctor Radovan has caught the thread and made it fashionable.

In late 1980, the second international textile outreach conference was held, with 250 experts from 21 states participating.

Tissue dilation is a very suitable technique for use in case of skin deterioration due to accidents or tumors. In this way excellent results have been obtained in breast formation. In addition, no vaccines are needed and the skin is just as colored and structured in the repaired place and environment. This technique is about to be used for the formation of ureter and vagina.

Treatment seems quite long, but expectations of what will be shorter are at the Conception Hospital in Marseille, where a special microponpa is being investigated.

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