The University of the Basque Country, through the Central Research Services (SGIker) of the Vice-Rectorate for Research, has recently acquired a supercomputer for researchers to have a first-rate tool for leading international research.
The new supercomputer is called light. It has equipment of 128 processors --668 GFLOPS (Giga Floating Operations Per Second), which means 680.000 million mathematical operations per second -, 264 gigabites of RAM and 8 terabytes --4 of them with the HP high-speed SFS system installed for the first time in Spain (Shared File System). It is the largest public computer of the CAPV and is available to any researcher or company through the Central Service of Computer Applied Research. In addition, they use another 80 computers outside of school hours, which increases the computing capacity of 1.1 DateFLOPS (one billion above operations per second).