New anti-parkinson drug

Improving the living conditions of those affected by Parkinson's disease and stopping its spread are the main tasks of the drug L-Dopa Ethyl Ester.

Improving the living conditions of those affected by Parkinson's disease and stopping the spread of the disease are the main tasks that researchers at the University of Hebrew have discovered. L-Dopa Ethyl Ester is the name of the drug and is still in the laboratory phase. Researchers believe that the L-Dopa used today against this disease can be a substitute for it and avoid the problems it generates.

Parkinson's disease occurs when there is dopamine deficiency in the brain and is characterized by tremor and muscle stiffness. It is estimated to affect 1-2% of the population. Today, the only treatment that exists is L-Dopa, but it has two major drawbacks: on the one hand, it cannot be injected directly into blood and on the other, after four or five years of treatment, its effect disappears. The new drug can also be used once the effectiveness of L-Doping is exhausted and can be injected directly into the blood.

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