Car without steering wheels or pedals

In cars of the future it will not be necessary to use the legs. The “futuristic” prototype presented by the Mercedes company has no pedals. F 200 Imagination is a totally revolutionary car driven only by hands. The prototype is replaced by special cranks. In this way, the legs are loose and do not have to make any effort.

One of its peculiarities is that the “futuristic” prototype that the Mercedes company has just presented does not have pedals.

To drive the car the crank must be moved to the left or right, moving forward or backwards to accelerate and brake. The cranks are located in the centre and doors, so the right passenger can also drive the car while the driver rests. This advancement is certainly very useful when it comes to long trips.

The crank commands are launched by an electronic control system and not by hydraulic or mechanical systems. This system provides greater security to the traveler by comparing received orders with theoretical values. For example, the car would not leave the road even if the driver was in a critical situation.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila