Life expectancy in Europe

Through this code, we want to express the level of health of the peoples. Number of years needed to halve the population born this year.

The life expectancy index is a frequently used health indicator. With this index we want to express the level of health of the peoples. Life expectancy is defined as the number of years necessary to reduce by half the population born this year.

French women are the ones who have the greatest life expectancy in Europe. A life expectancy of 80.6 years is estimated at this time. Taking into account the different European countries, the female collective is the most variable in terms of life expectancy.

Women in the UK and Ireland have a life expectancy of 77.5 years. Therefore, if we compare the difference with that of France.

On the other hand, the life expectancy of men is that of Herbe, 73 years old. In other European countries, life expectancy is very similar.

According to the researchers, the natural life expectancy of the human being is 85 years, but the advance of molecular biology does not allow predicting the natural limit of life expectancy. And is it that life expectancy has limits?

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