Ice and snow on the roads

It is known that in the winter zone salt is spread to avoid the formation of ice on the roads. It is a cheap and efficient system. However, it has its problems.

We are in early summer and it does not seem appropriate to talk about snow and ice, but the tenor so commands.

It is known that in the winter zone salt is spread to avoid the formation of ice on the roads. It is a cheap and efficient system. However, it has its problems. On the one hand, it causes the corrosion of the cars and the metallic part of the roads, and on the other, it can cause important ecological problems by the salinization of the sweet waters.

There are several alternatives to replace salt. Calcium magnesium can be used. It is as effective as salt (can be used up to a temperature of -10°C) and dispersed along the tracks in the same way.

When it comes to combating corrosion, urea or glycol chemical compounds can be used. Their problem is that they are expensive. In addition, glycol can slip the way.

Last winter the new antifreeze Clearway 1 has been tested in Britain. The results obtained are not yet known. This product is acetate in alkaline solution, two or three times more expensive than urea.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila