Livestock and climate

In the border area of Mexico and the US, the grass is greener and some colder climatic degrees in the US than in Mexico. The difference may be due to the way cattle are handled. Local climates, microclimates, can be very sensitive to these types of factors.

A group of American scientists analyses a territory of 150,000 square kilometers. Field observation and satellite remote sensing have been used. The results have shown that the different forms of grazing used in the US and Mexico have generated a drastic border of vegetation between Arizona and Sonora.

American grazing has been limited since 1934. Mexico has not developed similar legislation. For this reason, the pavement of the area of Mexico is clearer, so it heats faster and dries after the summer rain.

Data obtained from satellites have shown that in the area of Mexico the highest daily temperature is 4ºC higher than that of the US. In the area of Mexico the moisture of the pavement disappears more quickly. Clouds form 50-177% before Sonora in the Arizona area. Rainfall is similar.

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