A step forward in the knowledge of stomata

A step forward in the knowledge of stomata
01/04/2008 | Elhuyar

Finnish and American scientists discover a gene that regulates the activity of stomata in plant leaves: SLAC1 gene. This gene generates a channel of anions in the membrane of the cells of the stomata, which causes the closure of the stomata in certain situations of stress, such as high concentrations of ozone or drought conditions, as a mechanism of protection. Scientists used in their research a mutant plant Arabidopsis thaliana that did not respond to these stress. Once the mechanisms that specifically regulate the closure of stomata are known, they expect it to be a new way of creating plants more resistant to drought.

Anatomy/Physiology; Genetics; Agriculture
News in brief
Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila