Time for the transplant of the face

Time for the transplant of the face
01/04/2006 | Elhuyar
(Photo: Archive)

American surgeons launch a series of research that explains how to perform a full-face transplant. A half-face transplant has recently been performed for the first time in France and now the time has come to dare with the whole face.

Before the facial transplant was done in a fractional way and lasted several days. However, having to sew the skin parts on the new face left the patient looking very bad. As a result of the operation the new face was scarred and the pieces of skin did not match. In addition, in this type of operation, the skin to replace cannot be replaced by the skin elsewhere in the body, since it has neither texture nor color.

Now, surgeons will be able to replace the entire face with a single part by an 11-15 hour operation. To estimate the duration of the operation and develop the same technique have been previously tested with bodies.

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