For the most obese, to do gymnastics and to diet to lose weight the body is today a good way, but at the same time they are very expensive ways and more of one would appreciate that a more comfortable way was invented for that purpose. It also exists through pills, but it has harmful effects and in very few cases should be used.
However, will this situation change with the CP-331679 molecule, made by Pfizer laboratories in the United States? The result is too soon. In fact, no evidence has yet been initiated in the human being. However, the path of this molecule like adrenaline is very interesting.
Adrenaline acts on three types of receptors. The first is in the blood vessels and extends them. The second is in the heart and accelerates your beats. The latter is found in adipocytes (that is, in cells that accumulate fat) and releases lipids.
Pfizer's chemicals have prepared a molecule that only affects adipocytes. The result of trials in rats is spectacular. The weight that loses in the human being would be the weekly kilo, without diets or gymnastics. However, will those changes be the same in rats as in humans? It can not be said safe, because the main type of fat that comes off in rats is very little in the human being.
Many laboratories are working on this path, but for the moment the healthiest thing is to do gymnastics to their size.