Connecting rules

When making a product in the European Economic Union, it should be noted that the potential market is made up of twelve states. Therefore, the acceptance by companies of the different States of products produced in other States requires regulatory adaptation.

It is true that for each State it is possible to obtain copies of the product that meets national standards, but the costs would increase enormously.

Therefore, France, Germany and the United Kingdom have started to edit a series of CD-ROMs called "Normlage". These optical discs allow you to consult the rules of these three States at any time and for a few seconds.

The founders of "Normlage" are AFNOR, BSIT and DIN, France, Great Britain and the German standardization entities, respectively. In addition, they are ISO (international standardization organization) compliant.

The use has been greatly simplified, with menus with clear commands and follow-ups. The first album contains the basic rules for competition between industrial sectors and companies. In total there are 340 documents or what is the same, more than 11,000 pages and more than 700 bibliographic files. This information is currently available in French, German and English.

In the next two discs, two large industrial areas, mechanics and metallurgy, which are expected to be marketed this fall, will be addressed.

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