Toad corridor, isolated and threatened

Toad corridor, isolated and threatened
01/03/2008 | Elhuyar
(Photo: Aranzadi Science Society)

The Herpetological Observatory of Aranzadi has monitored the threatened populations of the toad corridor of the Basque Country (Txingudi in Gipuzkoa and Azkorri in Bizkaia). Genetic monitoring and research indicate the need to develop a management plan for the species and its habitat.

The results of genetic research indicate that the populations of Gipuzkoa and Bizkaia belong to different lineages and therefore have a different origin. In addition, they are genetically different from other peninsular populations. Therefore, inclusion plans cannot be made to increase these populations.

According to the data obtained, the population of Txingudi presents enough toads to guarantee the survival of the species, but the transformations that has suffered the environment of Txingudi in recent years have completely fragmented the population. Thus, for the conservation of the species it will be necessary to create and maintain a corridor that would unite the six breeding areas. On the contrary, the population of Azkorri is much smaller, and although this year's data show an upward trend, to increase the population it is necessary to create more breeding areas and condition the habitat.

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