Prevention of hip fractures

A team of researchers from Harvard University has made a new design to protect the hip. If the efficacy test receives approval from experts, they will have solved one of the most serious health problems of the elderly.

The breakdown of the hip causes serious consequences for the elderly. 20% do not survive more than a year after breaking the hip and 25% have to spend a lifetime in the hospital.

This new sponsor aims to minimize the hit against the ground. The design presented is U-shaped and has a thickness of 2.5 cm. The protector carries a drop of polystyrene and a mixture of water inside. During walking the hip protector will not disturb the user at all as the inner material is liquid. When the protector hits something it goes from liquid to solid. This will protect the person who falls out of the bone fracture.

Laboratory tests have shown that the hip protector reduces the impact of the fall stroke by 65%. The designers have also recognized that both the sponsor and the special clothing that will support it, are very comfortable to dress the older.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila