Excessive intake of vitamin A and dangerous D

Anyone knows that vitamins are beneficial to health, but to get good results it is necessary to take small doses (about milligrams per day). Excessive doses do not serve at all and in some cases can be harmful. Excessive intake of vitamin A and D is the most dangerous.

Excess vitamin A, such as burukomine, vomiting, fatigue, bleeding, etc. can be. Adverse effects occur in the child with a dose 30 times higher than necessary and in the adult with a dose 300 times higher than normal.

The child has adverse effects 30 times higher than the required dose.

Chronic intoxication begins after a period of administration of between 10 and 30 times higher than the normal dose. Cirrhosis has also appeared with a dose 7 times higher than normal for six years.

Do you have to do without vitamin pills? In fact, it is better to leave it. In the United States vitamins are also very fashionable, but in the pills containing vitamin A they do not have more than triple the daily dose that the person needs.

Excess vitamin D is also toxic. When the white skin is in the sun, vitamin D forms about 15 times more than it needs every day and the liver keeps what it needs every month.

The active form of vitamin D is the hormone that forms in the kidney after passing through the liver and regulates our phosphorus and calcium needs. If 0.1 milligrams (10 times more than necessary) is consumed for a few weeks, cramps, dehydration and hypercalcemia (stones) occur.

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