Meeting of young scientists

Fifty high school students have been advised by young researchers of UPNA in the Planetarium. Students work with science and technology projects to present them in May in Bilbao at the Science Fair organized by the Elhuyar Foundation.
Ed. Elhuyar

Fifty ESO and Bachillerato students from four schools in Navarre (IES Amazabal de Leitza, IES Julio Caro Baroja de Pamplona, IES Elortzibar de Noáin and the ikastola San Fermin de Cizur Menor) participated today, Wednesday 29 March, at the Science Fair. It is an initiative of the Elhuyar Foundation that consists of the creation of scientific or technological projects by the students who are at the gates of the university throughout the course, in groups, with the advice of researchers and professors of the university. Students from Navarre between 12 and 18 years have received the advice of 18 researchers, scholars and young doctoral students from different departments of the Public University of Navarre (UPNA), including Applied Chemistry, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Natural Environment Sciences. This support will serve to expose their work in a fair on May 6 in the center of Bilbao, together with the students of the CAPV. Hence the name of Zientzia Azoka. This initiative has the collaboration of the Foral Community, the University, the Planetarium and the Friends of Science Club.

Secondary Education students have been able to talk about their projects related to sociology, computer science, sport, microbiology, health and the environment, with young researchers from UPNA, which has helped to increase their commitment to research.

Leire Cancio Orueta, General Director of the Elhuyar Foundation, Ramón Gonzalo García, Vice-Rector of Research at UPNA, Joaquín Sevilla Moróder, Head of Knowledge Disclosure at UPNA, Javier Armentia Fructuoso, President of the Planetarium of Education Navarre, and Aitor Díaz, Chair of the Quality Club.

The objective of the four organizing entities (Elhuyar Foundation, Public University of Navarre, Planetarium of Navarre and Friends of Science Club) is to create a network of secondary education centers committed to research in the Foral Community, with the aim of improving the training and skills of students who are at the gates of the university.

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