Registration period open for the 2020-2021 course in Bizilabe

BIZILABE is a leisure initiative to promote science and technology among young people in each place and offers an after-school program for the entire course. Offer aimed at young people from 10 to 17 years working interest and motivation for science and technology, entrepreneurship and creativity. To do this, young people will participate in workshops and carry out projects with STEAM professionals (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) and with the help of educators to develop their skills and advance in empowerment.
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To date it has had a presence in Bilbao, Elgoibar, Ermua, Soraluze, and in the municipalities of the Nerbioi-Ibaizabal region, and for the first time in Tolosaldea the Bizilabe activities will be offered.

In the 2020-2021 course, activities such as Bizilabe in Bilbao, Elgoibar and Tolosaldea will be offered. All details are:

Recent searches


  • “Be a researcher and inventor”, program of the course (for those born in the period 2005-2010).Bizilabe is a program of scientific or technological projects or research that, once a week, is done with friends and team. In this sense, they will be able to work with researchers and professional scientists, collecting their advice and recommendations. In addition, young people will visit companies and research centers. Possibility to choose different days and times depending on age.
  • Bizilabe.These are workshops of 6 sessions around a specific topic of science and technology, led by a professional researcher in the field. Aimed at young people from 12 years old.


Centre Municipal de Deusto, Lehendakari Agirre, 42, Bilbao.


October 2020 to June 2021


REGISTRATION FORM and more information


Recent searches


  • “Be a researcher and inventor”, program of the course (for those born between 2007-2010).Bizilabe is a weekly program of projects or scientific or technological research with friends and teamwork. In this sense, they will be able to work with researchers and professional scientists, collecting their advice and recommendations. In addition, young people will visit companies and research centers.
  • Workshop “Undertake with energy” from August 31 to September 4. In this workshop, young people between 10 and 14 years will perform spectacular experiments related to energy with an expert researcher in the field. The sessions will be tomorrow, from 9:30 to 11:30 (born in 2009-2010) and from 11:30 to 13:00 (born in 2007-2008).


Elgoibar Machine Tool Museum. Azkue Valley, 1. Elgoibar


31 August 2020 to June 2021


REGISTRATION FORM and more information

Christina Aguilera


“Be a researcher and inventor”, program of the course (for those born in 2007-2010).Bizilabe is a weekly program of projects or scientific or technological research with friends and teamwork. In this way you can work with researchers and professional scientists, collecting their advice and recommendations. In addition, companies and research centers will be visited.


  • Tolosa:Instituto de Formación Profesional Tolosaldea. Saint Lucia, 17 20400 Toulouse.
  • Villabona: Mayor 79. 20150 Amasa-Villabona.


6 October 2020 to June 2021


REGISTRATION FORM and more information

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila