Ecological disaster chronicles

Roa Zubia, Guillermo

Elhuyar Zientzia

hondamen-ekologikoen-kronikak 400

Biologist Xanti Larrañaga, an expert in ecology, spent a season working in Australia and first hand discovered the situation in which this extensive territory is located and the effort that the locals are making to improve the situation. Human action occurs not only when it eliminates and exploits ecosystems, but also when it uses incorrect solutions to recover the ecological balance. Larrañaga has analyzed these solutions for Elhuyar magazine (page 40) and has recommended some books on the subject. These books are, among other things, good information to understand the cases of Australia and its neighboring territories.

First Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Survive is a book by American Jared Diamond. The book is a reference for Larrañaga: "It analyzes the causes of the disappearance of several ancient civilizations, which in some cases we call mysterious, since archaeologists have not been able to give a real reason from the structural point of view of society, from the point of view of wars or from another. And what Jared Diamond defends is that there were environmental reasons, both because of climate change and the overexploitation of its resources. A very interesting and highly recommended book." The book analyzes cases of many peoples: People from Easter Island, Mayans, Vikings, Scandinavians, Chinese, Haitians and many more. Ancient and modern cases. And it gives a broad view of the problem. Includes a chapter dedicated to Australia.

The second recommendation is The Future Eaters, by biologist Tim Flannery. "The translation of the title would be 'Future jelly'," says Larrañaga. "It describes the ecological evolution of Australia, New Zealand and New Guinea, as well as all the surrounding territories, from the geological point of view, and what happened with the arrival of man, first the Aborigines and then the Europeans."

Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Survive
Jared Diamond
Penguin, 2011
198 x 129 mm
ISBN: Industrial automation
The Future Eaters
Tim Flannery
Reed Natural History Australia, 2000
234 x 152 mm
ISBN: International
Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila