Life in the year 2100

Roa Zubia, Guillermo

Elhuyar Zientzia

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Michio Kaku is a well-known physicist in the world of outreach. He has presented numerous documentaries and has written numerous books. One of them, Physics of the Future, was one of the best-selling books of 2012. In the book, Kaku analyzes how physics will change its daily life in the face of a specific deadline: Year 2100.

"This book and the previous ones are different," says the author in the book's introduction. In some of his books (Beyond Einstein, Hyperspace, Parallel Worlds...), Kaku studied the latest revolutionary theories in the field of physics. In Physics of the Impossible, for his part, he analyzed the relationship between science fiction and modern physics, since some of the latest discoveries could turn into real the typical themes of science fiction: invisibility, travel in time, telepathy, teleport, robots, aliens, etc. In his book Visions, a step further, he refers to the physics of the coming decades, based on hypotheses. Kaku says some of the ideas he published in that book are being fulfilled.

But Physics of the Future has a much broader vision, especially over time. Includes predictions for a whole century. It analyzes the future of computers, artificial intelligence, medicine, nanotechnology, energy, space travel, wealth and the person himself.

With this, Kaku wanted to analyze how the advances of physics will influence the daily life of the human being, seeing where each area is developing. Of course, it is not easy to imagine the future. Life not only depends on new technologies. Many other factors are included.

Sometimes, in addition, technological predictions are not met: the computer did not delete the printed on paper or the Internet connection has not cancelled face-to-face business meetings. The "principle of the human being in the caves" is the reason for this. That is, whenever there is a conflict between technology and the instinct of primitive man, instinct wins. That we prefer to have a paper contract, in contact with hands, than to store it on the computer. And this reason does not always give priority to the new invention against traditional use.

However, Michio Kaku has written a brave book. All that is written in time is courageous. In this case, the interest of the book lies in the pen of a well-known writer with a broad perspective of physics.

Physics of the Future
Michio Kaku
Allen Lane, 2011
240 x 162 mm
ISBN: 1846142680
Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila