Black mathematics

Inside a car and along Urbieta Street, which reaches the center of Amara, you see a serious man, protagonist of our story, detective Sasiletrau.

We are in Donostia. From Mount Urgul, the landscape looks like a shower. It rains a lot. Powered by a soft and temperate air, the water provides a long and fine curtain. The city is a setting.

The rain, rather than wetting the houses, is painting in gray; in other days they are equalizing, undoing the most notable differences. They seem to be closer, closer than normal, facing the sad weather.

Below, people on the street do not look up, look for the portico offered by the burumatic balconies and the eaves of the roofs. On most faces you can see an intimate gesture that produces the sadness of time.

And cars to taste. Metallic colors achieve in this environment their most nuanced, metallic shine. Inside a car of this type and going up the street Urbieta, which reaches the center of Amara, you see a serious man, protagonist of our story, the detective Sasiletrau.

When the car of Sasiletrau passes to the height of the old house of the Teatro Bellas Artes, the red light of the radio that has in the glove box has been lit and the alarm of a small apparatus that carries in the dogs has spread a sharp sound.

    Yes, say. Two criminals enter the Gipuzkoa Savings Bank office on Urbieta Street. They are armed. Okay, I'm leaving. Are you sure they are two? This is what they told us from here.
  • Okay. Call when you get more information.

By the time Sasiletrau wants to speed up the car, the halfway traffic light is orange and has desperately stepped on the accelerator to the bottom. One of these blue police officers who watch the TAO-OTA touches the txistu, but Sasiletrau keeps ignoring him. He is a hard man, ready for all risks.

The traffic light on San Martín Street is green. In front you can see the Savings Bank office. There it is! From there he sees two people. After touring the area for a second, they start running towards the Azoka on the previous sidewalk. Sasiletrau brakes the car in the middle of the street. In half a second he is standing outside and in the other center he sees himself running in an intense transport. Catch, catch!.

After looking back, the criminals decide not to enter the market and without leaving the sidewalk they head towards Abenida. Sasiletrau follows them. After passing the Shopping Centre, following the same path, they cross San Marcial Street. Sasiletrau follows them, but closer.

As they reach the new sidewalk they have accessed the first basement on the right they have found. In the face of Sasiletrau you can see an ironic gesture, they are ners. The only thing that stands out in the dark is the respiratory noise going up the stairs. One floor, another, is very close to the Sasiletrau evildoers; the respiratory noise breaks. Sasi thinks of the third, as his friends call him, and instead of the previous ironic gesture he sees the diffuse face mask he keeps for the most difficult moments.

In the hand of the gun, the body advances and slightly inclined, opens the door with a blow. To the right of the corridor is the light and the intermittent noise of typewriters is heard. Leaving behind the corner of the corridor, the light and the piece arrive better. They come from a room.

With a jump, the pistol held with two hands, is located at the entrance of the Sasi room. He raises his head and cannot believe what his eyes see: three are dedicated to typewriting.

A few hours later these three people and Detective Sasiletrau are in another room with a single small light. Criminals often lie, Sasi thinks. Those who have nothing to hide are sincere.

Based on this ray of inspiration, he has followed his argument, but as one of these three is not a criminal, in this trio there is only one sincere. Ente Clemente.

Our brave detective approaches a detainee and asks, without thinking twice:

    Are you one of the criminals?
  • No sir. I am not one of those crazy criminals. I tell you the truth.

Sasi looks clueless. Is it a lie? and if it is true? How to know?

He goes to the second and gets tired of the voice, opaque, on the one hand:

  • Prove to me that you are not a criminal," he faces. This has answered him with a negative silence.

Go to the third and ask him the same. Quick response:

  • If I have been, those others have not been. If you're not a fool the story is over.

Yes, it's over.

Two questions: What is the name of the famous and honored organization that the criminals chose to keep?

How did he separate the criminals in the threesome?

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila