To not fall hair

Agirre, Jabier

Medikua eta OEEko kidea

Three years of life. That's about the time each of the 50,000 hairs we have on our heads lasts. Every day we lose an average of 100 hairs, hair that falls under normal conditions has finished its life cycle, has died and will be replaced by another healthy. When dead hair has no spare, we are facing a problem of alopecia (or sobriety). This phenomenon mainly affects men, but also women lose hair, although to a lesser extent.

Why does the hair fall?

There are several factors that condition hair loss and are:

  • Inheritance As
    we inherit from our parents color, thinness or virility of the eyes or even hairs, and many other characteristics, simplicity can also be genetically transmitted from parent to child.
  • It seems that hair
    loss is directly related to the amount of male hormones (androgens) in which people are found. But as recent studies have shown (for example in the United States, which Dr. Robert Smart just performed at the University of North Carolina), it is also related to endogenous hair falls, female hormones. Therefore, any major hormonal changes in the woman's body, such as pregnancy or menopause, have to do directly with the scalp. In this sense, it is estimated that 40% of women in menopause suffer alopecia.
  • Nutrition
    Once again, inadequate nutrition shows us to be responsible for a physical problem. Poor nutrition or anemia would necessarily mean a mental sobriety.
  • Some of the products commonly used in the hairdresser,
    such as moulding or dyeing products, can be used disproportionately or inhaling heavily contaminated air.
  • If you
    want to have a long and healthy squid, learn to relax, first of all. Thus we would summarize this section, as it is shown that situations of depression, anxiety or stress are the worst enemies of hair. People who sleep little, abuse or smoke too much alcohol do not benefit their hair either.

What can be done as a solution?

The measures to keep hair healthy will be seen later, but when hair falls the only real solution is surgery, using different techniques.

Hair transplant techniques that are currently used have greatly improved and a well-done graft cannot be separated from normal hair as its appearance is completely natural.

It is the one usually performed in the transplant, consists in the application of hair in scalp from other areas (side and back of the head), through small holes practiced in it. The surgeon should be especially careful when placing the injected healthy hair so that, once it begins to grow, it leaves in a natural and adequate direction. The operation is performed with local anesthesia and on an outpatient basis (without admission). And the patient needs two or three days of total rest, after having some account in the first month, to then lead a normal life.

How to keep hair healthy?

The more we care for our hair, the healthier it will be, but without obsessing ourselves, all excesses are harmful.

  • The best hair treatment is to keep clean. Washing your head is often not counterproductive, but of course quality products (colonies, shampoos, soaps, etc.) to use.
  • It is recommended to cut the hair from time to time so that it stays stronger, but it is not true that wearing long hair weakens.
  • The friction or friction that occurs when placing a hat or rattle, or scarves, is not harmful.
  • The presence of dandruff or bedding does not mean that the hair falls more, neither now nor later.
  • The inks used for the color change of the hair, or even the discolorants, if used with some regularity, finally damage the hair. It would not be wrong before using any of these products to be tested on a lock of hair or even on the hairs of the arm, to show that it does not cause irritation or irritation.

And against the puff?

The small white or grayish scales that appear on the hair are called Zahia. Often the bran is not a physiological, almost normal, scalp peeling or peeling, but when that peeling is excessive something must be done.

Our hair is always within a process of renewal. In this way, the cells found in the hair mature and come to the surface, disappearing when we clean the hair. However, this process of renewal can be accelerated by various factors and then dead cells are released, falling and becoming gradually visible, for example on the shoulders. We call that dandruff.

Hormonal changes, stress, climatic changes, the enormous measure of eating and a fungus called Pityrosporon ovale are the ones that drive or accelerate this process of restoration and, incidentally, the bran. To cope with this problem, dermatologists recommend washing your head often, if it is best daily. A selenium sulfide shampoo should be used preferably, combining it with another normal shampoo, as everything seems to indicate that the alternative use of two kinds of shampoo is more effective.

For very oily hair

The presence of oily hair can not be taken as a health problem, but there are people who are therefore distressed. The main concerns of these people are how to disguise fat with a special hairstyle or how to remove this fat.

Why does hair have too much fat? Because of hormonal and nervous causes the sebaceous gland secretes excessive fat.

Those with oily hair should maintain proper hygiene without abuse. You should not wash more than two or three times a week and always with a special shampoo.

Domestic remedies

  • With lemon, unsaved If you
    don't have too much dandruff, the remedy is to cut a lemon in half and rub the head leather with the two semicircles. Leave in a quarter of an hour and then clean your head.
  • A mask for fat
    Beat an egg and mix cider vinegar with a large tablespoon and two tablespoons of vegetable oil. Heat this mixture in the baths of Mary. When it is mild it is placed on the hair of the head and left there for half an hour. Then clean your head as you usually do.
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