San Sebastian Aquarium

As we mentioned in the previous issue, in 1997 we visited some museums in Euskal Herria. And to begin with we have gone to the Aquarium of San Sebastian in order to know a little better the world of the sea. The building called Palacio del Mar is home to the Gipuzkoa Oceanographic Society, through which thousands of visitors pass each year. We enter this museum of the sea.

In 1908 the Gipuzkoa Oceanographic Society was established. Not all of a sudden, but thanks to the work of enthusiastic people who realized the need to create an entity of these characteristics. During the next fourteen years the Oceanographic Society was present and carried out numerous activities.

Ground floor: ACUARIUMA Fish exhibition area. It is in the process of renewal to be able to show it more attractive. Fish from our surroundings, the sea of Bizkaia, are mainly exposed. However, there are tropical fish from South America and Australia.

On the first day of October 1928 the museum was moved and the Palacio del Mar was inaugurated, in the same place where the current Acuarium is located. The construction, by the architect Juan Carlos Guerra, has its facade towards the port of San Sebastián, characterized by its “Basque” style, which shows a series of architectural elements present in the towers and palaces of the region. The facade to the bay is aligned with the line of the promenade that surrounds Mount Urgull (Paseo Nuevo) to the port.

The museum, home of the Gipuzkoa Oceanographic Society, has undergone numerous works and modifications. The latest reforms were carried out in 1981-85 thanks to the aid of the Basque Government. However, the ground-floor aquarium is now being renovated and expanded; if things go well, the new aquarium for the summer of 1998 will be finished, with a similar but better presented heritage. According to the secretary of administration, José Manuel Susteta, “by 1999 everything is expected to be renewed.”

The Oceanographic Society, which currently has 630 partners, has clear objectives: Promote knowledge of the fishing and marine history of Euskal Herria and promote oceanography. Also noteworthy are the oceanographic research laboratory created by the association itself, the Fishing School, the Federation of Brotherhoods of Gipuzkoa and other activities related to the seas and sailors.

First floor: OCEANOGRAPHY MUSEUM This section presents the Natural Sciences of the Sea. There are collections of all kinds, such as shells, birds, algae, crustaceans, corals, echinoderms, stars, etc. In the center of the room is the skeleton of the last whale captured in waters of Gipuzkoa (1878). On the same floor there is a specialized library and a laboratory.

The Aquarium of San Sebastian currently has ten workers and its main objective is to show the world of the sea in Euskal Herria. About 30,000 students pass each year (most in May-June) and leave very comfortable after the visit. Please note that the duration of the visit is one hour for non-experts. In 1996, the Palacio del Mar welcomed 130,000 visitors, although lately there seem to be fewer visitors. José Manuel Susteta, Secretary of Administration who has spent 30 years in the Oceanography Society, believes that this trend can change: “We believe that with the reform of the ground floor there will be more visitors.” As indicated above, you will have to wait a couple of years to see the new Acuarium.

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