Company in Basque and new technologies

Companies and institutions have decided to incorporate new technologies into Basque into their employment. The static texts of the tools and machines, first and dynamic, have made available new technologies for use in Basque.

(Photos: Elhuyar Aholkularitza).

New technologies could also be used to promote the use of Basque, and an example of this is what we want to present here. If we want to send in Basque all the invoices and other writings that we send to our customers, the most used way today is to create their own, since, unlike the standard printed market, we can send the specific information that we want and adapt much better to our corporate image.

At Elhuyar Aholkularitza we have developed a software that will help us create and use texts in Basque. This software is available in CD format for installation in the company intranet. We have taken into account not only the companies, but also the Professional Schools, and we have considered that the most used way of all them is to be installed on the server of the intranet.

Content of Euskaraz in the company

The content of Euskaraz in the Company is divided into five sections: Linguistic topics, Documents, Intranet, Dictionary and Bibliography.

We offer the possibility of resolving linguistic doubts and the usual misuse of linguistic issues. All examples and clarifications are contextualized in the company. It gives us indications about the hours, the date, the numbers, the phrases made from the letters, the style topics, the bilingual documents (if you decide to give priority to the Basque language, how it can be done)... And within each of them, there are attractive exercises.

In the Documents section, as we have done in linguistic matters, we have compiled a series of exemplary documents. You can also find interesting instructions on your sections. In the Internet section you have links to some interesting addresses that we can find on the net to work in Basque.

In the dictionary you will find the most used words in all types of companies, their tolls in Spanish and a search system. The search can be done in two directions: you can search both the word in Spanish and the word in Spanish.

Finally, in the section Bibliography are collected the sources consulted and used for the elaboration of this software.

All this with an attractive appearance and very simple to use in the CD Enpresa euskaraz.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila