Antibiotic resistance

Basaras Ibarzabal, Miren

EHUko Immunologia, Mikrobiologia eta Parasitologia Saileko ikertzailea, eta irakaslea Medikuntza eta Erizaintza Fakultatean

Lopez Goñi, Ignacio

Nafarroako Unibertsitateko irakaslea eta mikrobiologiako katedraduna eta Salud Global (Osasun Bakarra) liburuaren egileetako bat

Ed. MD_style/

Antibiotic resistance has become one of the great challenges of the 21st century. In fact, antibiotics have prevented the deaths of millions since they began using them in therapy. But improper use has stopped some antibiotics from working, as bacteria have developed resistance to them. The problem is so serious that the World Health Organization has included among the top ten threats to global health. By the way, it has revealed the level of human, animal and environmental health that they interact.

Two microbiologists have been asked for an analysis to report on the situation and propose solutions from a different perspective: Look at Basaras Ibarzabali, from the point of view of human health, and Ignacio López Goñi, from human, animal and environmental interaction.


See Basaras Ibarzabal

Use and effects of antibiotics


Ignacio López Goñi

Antibiotic resistance from the point of view of Single Health


Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila