Artificial intelligence representations

Landabidea Urresti, Xabier

Aisia eta Giza Potentzialean doktorea. Deustuko Unibertsitateko Euskal Gaien Institutuko ikertzaile elkartua. UEUko Komunikazio sailburua.

Landa Gundin, Nagore

Informatika-irakaslea eta digitalizazioko aholkularia

Ed. Anne Fehres and Luke Conroy & AI4Media/Better Images of AI/Hidden Labour of Internet Browsing/CC-BY 4.0.

Since some AI programs have reached normal users, the debate on AI has spread to all areas. Without going into the technical section, Xabier Landabidea Urresti and Nagore Landa Gundin have elaborated two analyses to get to know the perceptions in society and education, respectively, in order to enrich the debate.

Both have recognized that artificial intelligence offers interesting alternatives, but they have been critical of some aspects, especially with Landabidea. Moreover, he has written against artificial intelligence and has given five reasons to be absolutely critical.

Landa, for her part, has mentioned some valuable uses of artificial intelligence, but has also raised some doubts and challenges.


Xabier Landabidea Urresti

Against artificial intelligence.


Nagore Landa Gundin

Some reflections on artificial intelligence: challenges and consequences


Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila