They clarify that the origin of the outbreak of pneumonia in Wuhan can be snakes

Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana

Elhuyar Zientzia

Koronabantivirus family virus. Ed. CDC/Public Property

After analyzing the viruses of patients suffering from Wuhan (China), the researchers first managed to clarify their genetic code. Thus they knew that it was a coronavirus, of the same family as the coronary arteries SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, which caused in previous years global emergencies. The first was first identified in China and the other in Arabia, both produce pneumonia and respiratory symptoms with a high mortality rate. Researchers and health authorities fear that the coronavirus they have now identified will be as virulent as they are and will cause a plague if appropriate action is not taken.

The World Health Organization is currently deciding the degree of emergency and the measures to be taken. Meanwhile, researchers investigate the origin of the virus. In fact, the original hosts of this type of virus are animals, of which they jump to the human being and acquire the ability to infect from the human being to the human being, a risk of pests is generated.

Both SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV in the case of coronavirus, bats were the first guest. From them they adapted to other animals and through them reached the human being. In the current case it was also thought that the guest could be bat, but a recent study published by researchers from Beijing shows that they are snakes.

2019-nCoV is the new virus. Health authorities now expect WHO statements to take appropriate preventive measures and avoid the risk of pandemic.


More information on coronavirus and pandemics:

Globalization of infections, analysis of microbiologist Miren Basaras

The 1918 pandemic: one hundred years of shade, more blurred today

Relationship between SARS virus and bats discovered

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