Wisenut, Google's fierce rival

We say that Google (www.google.com) is the best search engine on the Internet. In recent months, in addition, this search engine has experienced important improvements such as the ability to search images, perform searches in newsgroups or navigate your information tree, among others.

Now, however, a tough rival has appeared: Although the search engine Wisenut (www.wisenut.com) is similar to Google, it has some particularities: undoubtedly, the most remarkable thing is the possibility of receiving screenshots of the web pages found along with the result. Through the option “Sneak-a-peek” we can follow the information of the website found in the window that will open to us on the results page itself.

In addition, its way of indexing information has its peculiarities: When determining the importance of websites, Google takes into account the number of links to this page. Thus, a website with multiple links from abroad will have a good place in Google's results. For its part, the Wisenut indexer classifies web pages according to the importance of the context, analyzing the contents and taking into account their importance.

However, Google knows Basque (http://www.google.com/intl/es/) and Wisenut still doesn't know it.

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