Ulysses on the hidden face of the Sun

Last 13 September the space probe Ulysses first approached the south pole of the Sun. 300 million kilometers away will measure the magnetic field of the Sun.

Last 13 September the space probe Ulysses first approached the south pole of the Sun. He has traveled for four years to the Solar System and has sent valuable information about the planet Jupiter.

300 million kilometers away will measure the magnetic field of the Sun. Astrophysicists claim that at the poles the Sun has no eruption and in front of the poles the Sun wind or plasma (ionized gas jet emitting the crown) reaches a speed between 700 and 1,000 km/s, although in the equator only reaches 400 km/s.

In addition, the poles of the Sun have another characteristic. Magnetic field lines are straight and are the only way to swallow interstellar cosmic rays.

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