Tecnalia develops a quick fire gate

Ed. Tecnalia

Within the European project Nofire, Tecnalia has developed a door opening, quick closing and fire resistant. Thus, it has overcome two challenges, which to date had not been raised: the door that sustains the fire as it is a fast-opening closure.

"Conventional doors are usually made of canvas, so they are quick doors. Our challenge has been to achieve this speed with light panels and increased fire resistance," explains Asier Maiztegi, a member of Tecnalia.

Aerogelas, rock fibres and ceramic elements have been used for their production. They are light but not as much as plastic or rubber. Therefore, to keep the door fast, they have designed, among others, a new drag system. They have also successfully incorporated security devices that guarantee the correct operation of the door and prevent risk situations. And they conclude that all these new systems that have been investigated in this project increase the security of the doors.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila