The fantasy of a world without fires

Why are there forests in Germany and desert in Algeria? For the weather, of course. However, according to some South African scientists, fires also have a great influence on the distribution of world vegetation.

In fact, in some territories with a climate suitable for the availability of extensive forests there is no open forest. Although temperature and humidity are adequate, the influence of fires must also be taken into account. Both the fires caused by human beings and those produced naturally.

Scientists have investigated this influence and used it to develop a theoretical model. And through this model they have shaped the map of a world without fires. This map has been compared to two others, one that takes into account fires and a third made from satellite data.

The results highlight the influence of fires. According to the scientists, the extent of the forests in the absence of fires would be double the current one, while that of savannah and scrub would be smaller.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila