Mysterious signs

The members of a California Astronomical Society took great discontent last year, began to receive daily mysterious signals of 2,3-2,4 gigahertz. But the researchers realized that these signals did not come from a remote galaxy, but from the microwave on the ground floor.

Members of a California Astronomical Association took the impression that last year they were looking for an intelligent life off Earth. With a 60-meter telescope they began to analyze the entire signal coming from space.

The truth is that, working closely with the giant telescope, every day they began to receive mysterious signals up to 2.3 2.4 gigahertz. The researchers realized that these signals did not come from a remote galaxy, but from the microwave that the neighbor lit on the ground floor.

Although it seems a mere curiosity as a reader, this fact can hinder the work of many. Based on the search for extraterrestrial life, the search for signs without a clear origin has become commonplace in recent years, according to astronomers. More and more signals are being received by researchers, which generates great confusion. Therefore, if you want to make observations and get touch results, you need patience.

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