Bats virus in Australia

The inhabitants of Australia should take extreme precautions around bats. A woman has rabies after a fruitful of bats made a spider. Because these bats can spread rabies, thousands of fruit collectors and foresters should be vaccinated against tonic.

The sick woman is in a rather precarious situation. The initial symptoms were paralysis in the arms and legs, fever and vomiting. It has subsequently suffered encephalitis, inflammation of the brain. This woman, from the city of Rochampton in the state of Queensland, is also hospitalized to another woman, bitten by a bat.

These dangerous bats are known as flying foxes and there are millions in Australia. Fruit collectors are at risk of infecting viruses, as these bats eat fruits and flowers.

Australian health authorities want to take action and incorporate all people in danger of contamination. Biologists believe that the virus can be contaminated by two other bat species.

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