Robotiker without wires

Wireless or wireless technologies can have a great future. This is what all experts say. In Euskal Herria more and more people are working with wireless technologies. Perhaps one of the most interesting initiatives has been one of the most veteran of the research, the Robotiker Technology Center.

The Robotiker technology center for the period 2001-2004 has a great challenge with the start-up of a new research department in wireless technology. For this purpose, the technology centre of Zamudio will host investments worth 2,500 million euros, which hope to exceed 100 people in the new department of the center for the year 2004. To be a benchmark in Robotiker Wireless Technologies has intention.

For this purpose, Robotiker Wireless has launched a two-axis project: on the one hand, the implementation of wireless technology to industrial products so that they can connect to networks and, on the other, the transfer of applications from the Internet network and internal networks of companies to the mobile area. It is clear that the objectives are very different.

Robotiker Wireless will not enter directly into the value chain of wireless technology, will not start performing computers or wireless phones. At one end of this value chain are the technology manufacturers who manufacture tools like Ericsson, Alcatel, Nokia, Motorola, etc. At the other end of the chain are users who buy and use telephones or mobile computers. Generally, these mobile tools are not purchased from authors, but from operators such as Airtel, Amena, Movistar, etc. These operators are also a direct part of this value chain of mobile technologies. Until recently, the value chain of mobile phones has been formed by these three blocks, but since they have begun to introduce content into mobile tools, new entrepreneurs have appeared in this value chain. Some of them are those who put content and offer services, banks, news agencies, stock exchange. As for this group, a great revolution is expected, as happened on the Internet. Together with them, system integrators will be integrated into the value chain, that is, those who want to put services and contents physically. At this time there are not too many system integrators, because it is a new and difficult technology, which requires mastering concepts of electronics, computer concepts.

That would be the theoretical value chain of wireless technologies, but that string is not yet fully consolidated. Therefore, Robotiker Wireless wants to support system integrators with special designs and solutions, but also those who want to put content as a consultant, viability plans. Robotiker also aims to work with producers and operators to design auxiliary products, develop pilot projects and identify new needs. As for applications, with wireless technology a special revolution is not expected; as with the Internet, entertainment spaces and services will predominate.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila