Radius-TV: Multimedia system in Macintosh area

Radius-TV is an integrated system, aimed at Macintosh II teams, consisting of a computer and a television.

Radius-TV is an integrated system, aimed at Macintosh II teams, consisting of a computer and a television. It combines the characteristics of a television set with the Macintosh environment. This opens up wide expectations in the multimedia field.

Radius-TV includes a video processing device, an audio and video output processor and a television tuner. The 16-bit image allows real-time viewing and scanning in a 640 x 480 point window. It can also digitize sound in real time and offers the ability to access information that goes in the vertical range of television signals, such as labels.

It has an integrated tuning system capable of receiving cable signals and direct emissions.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila