Need for PVC recycling

A device invented by industrialists can detect whether it is PVC or not, if it is PVC, the coating is inserted into a special machine next to the device and reduced.

A device invented by the industrialists can detect whether the layer covering the product is PVC or not, and if it is PVC, the coating is inserted into a special machine next to the device and reduced.

System based on PVC recycling. Until now, glass and paper have been the materials that have been most recycled, but the amount of PVC waste that has been deposited in landfills has led to an alarm in the Ministries of Environment of some states.

There are solutions that have been raised, but seeing that the industrialists were not willing to abandon the production of PVC, they want to engage the industries themselves in solving the problem. Therefore, these industries will have to recycle PVC and for this they will have to face some problems.

The first problem is the collection of used PVC. To do this, aside from placing the collection container, people need to be mentalized. The collected waste will then be selected and the material improvement phase will begin. For this phase companies will have to adapt their equipment through investments.

However, some companies have undertaken this path as an initial essay, but in more places than expected it will become necessary.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila