Neutral point EuskoNix

EuskoNix is ready on the Internet the neutral point promoted by the University of the Basque Country and financed by the Basque Government.

The neutral points are like circular crosses of the Internet network. To it the servers are joined and its function is to channel the contents within the region by the shortest way possible.

Through EuskoNix, the main Basque servers can establish connections between them without going any further. Thus, the connection between two points of Euskal Herria will not have to go through zones of 6 to 14 mediators as before.

Euskaltel, Sarenet, Ibercom, Mondragon Conet and Jazztel are some of the agents who have already shown their intention to join this neutral point, so soon all the internal traffic between these servers will be carried out through this crossing established in the Basque Country itself.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila