Oil recovery and recycling

The pollution of the black tides is difficult to combat quickly and successfully, but it can be said that it is not only difficult to collect oil poured into the sea, but it is a miracle. The Israeli technology institute "Technion" has stressed that it has a product to address these problems.

This product consists of a substance of maneral origin and has a great absorption capacity. This substance has the ability to absorb about forty times more oil mass than its mass in a few minutes. Once the absorption is finished it inflates and becomes solid mass.

The next step is the recovery of oil. For this purpose the solid mass is inserted into a press and compressed as a sponge. The result of this process is oil on the one hand and reusable mineral substance on the other.

According to Technion, this substance is considered inert and does not produce harmful effects on oil and affected marine flora or fauna. This product has had positive effects on all tests that have been carried out so far and can be a solution for eco-friendly pets that can not be avoided.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila