What to do with used paper?

The environmental group Amilotx has started a relationship with a company in Vitoria-Gasteiz so that, in collaboration with the municipalities of the valley, packaging for paper collection is installed.

With the help of the ecologists of the Alto Deba, numerous campaigns have been carried out around recycled paper and tips have been extended to accumulate the paper used at home. Those who thought that the stacked papers were going to be taken to the Takolo containers and that they would be available, knew that the collected was burned. To solve this role there are private companies that only collect a lot of them and also classify the quality. They say that the most useful thing is the computer paper and then the newspaper, always without mixing the different types of paper.

The environmental group Amilotx has started a relationship with a company in Vitoria-Gasteiz to study, with the collaboration of the municipalities of the valley, the installation of waste bins. The Upper Deba Commonwealth aims for the long-term installation of a paper treatment plant. The weekly Arrasate Press will also use recycled paper.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila