Ozone accounts

It is the new newspaper that is decreasing ozone in the high atmosphere, but few know that the ozone concentration in the low atmosphere is growing. C. Brühl and P. J. According to Crutz scientists, increased ozone concentration in the low atmosphere will compensate for the reduction in the high atmosphere (Geophysical Research Letters, 16, pp. 703-706). ).

Therefore, the amount of ultraviolet light reaching the surface of the Earth remains the same. The consequence of this phenomenon is manifested in the atmospheric profile. According to these researchers, the troposphere (0-10 km) is heated and the stratosphere (> 10 km) is cooled.

Interest in ozone in the troposphere is growing in recent times as greenhouse gas. In addition, a significant increase in concentration can damage plants. On the other hand, ozone plays an important role in many of the chemical reactions that occur in the troposphere.

According to Brühl and Crutzen, the loss of the ozone layer that occurs in the stratosphere and the resulting excess UM radiation is compensated by the accumulation of ozone that is occurring in the troposphere. Therefore, the ozone layer problem can be more complex than expected.

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