New blood "Oxygent"

The risks associated with blood transfusions, that is, the transmission of AIDS or hepatitis, are known. Therefore, it is increasingly important to find a safe substitute for blood. "Oxygent" is a fluorocarbon emulsion developed by the company "Alliance Pharmaceutical Corp", currently in evaluation phase in the US.

Although hemoglobin fixes oxygen, fluorocarbons dissolve it. In this way, tissues can easily take oxygen. In addition, fluorocarbons can be produced on demand and can be sufficient. There are also no problems with infection or contamination.

Oxygent is not artificial blood, it is a substitute for hemoglobin. Mixed with plasma can replace blood after a cut. However, the field of application of fluorocarbons is even wider, that is, cuts made with the open heart protect the heart muscle from the lack of oxygen.

They can also be used to oxygenate damaged tissues and clean the clots. In addition, the oxygenation of tumor cells will increase the effect of radio and chemotherapy on some types of cancer.

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