Otzi older than expected

The ice man is something greater than he imagined, Otzi was discovered in the Alps. Researchers have stated that he was almost 50 years old when he died and that he was also affected by arthritis.

Otzi, a man from eternal ice, was found in the Alps while he slept. Although it seems like a witchcraft, we are getting concrete data about this man who lived 5,000 years ago and we can already say that we know much more about Otzi than about neighbors. And everything points out that there will be no mystery that gossip scientists do not enlighten.

Researchers at the University of Stockholm have recently told us that Otzi is somewhat greater than initially opened. As you will remember, when he was discovered in the Alps as a 25-year-old, researchers have confirmed that he was an adult man between 40 and 50 years old.

To reach this circular conclusion, among other things, the bones and blood vessels have been thoroughly analyzed and their state of development has been analyzed. According to the researchers, Otzi was almost 50 years old when he was found. We know that he died after the meal, that the digestion was incomplete.

In addition to age, we know more about Otzi's health status. According to Stockholm researchers, the ice man who lived affected by arthritis and the situation of the joints were quite advanced. As we said, there will be no secret after 5,000 years.

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